It could be either the plant or our different nose, or both. lol
By the way, the tone of green on your plant is what I consider light green.
The leaves on my Heaven Scent and the common dancing lady are much darker, which is normal for them.
Yours look fine other than the pb is much bigger than anything I've seen! but that's just plant "personality" or growing conditions of different nurseries.
The best one I had, which was from NY Botanical garden last spring (I spent a lot of money, but worth it), large specimen with seven tall spikes loaded with flowers. The plant was at least 16in tall without counting the height of the spikes. Yet, the pbs on that plant was not as big and round as yours but rather skinny oval shape.
It came with "clean" leaves, but after about two months or so later, I started to see lightly colored circles showing up on the leaves. I removed it. lol
never seen this plant anywhere else since.
Regarding the ideal color of the leaves, when I see nicely grown healthy looking plant with massive amount of flowers, I take a note of the color on their leaves. Then I see many examples over and over to confirm.
Some are light and some are dark naturally.
Hence, the lighter green advice is not entirely correct as many floating information out there is the case. lol
Good luck with the plant.
I hope you smelled them the way I can, so you can better enjoy.