Originally Posted by LJeziorska
Thank you all for the helpful advices  I will do whatever it takes to keep my orchids healthy , I will get the fungicide as soon as I can and calcium .....which fertilizer with calcium do you recommend? ... everyday you learn something new about them
There's no big hurry to get a fertilizer with calcium in it. Check the label on the fertilizer you use. If it doesn't have calcium then, after you use it up, look for a fertilizer that does include calcium. I know Dyna-Gro grow formula includes calcium. One of the MSU formulas include calcium. I use a fertilizer made by Southern Ag (16-3-16 cal/mag) that I get from Broward Orchid Supply. Another way to do it is to buy a calcium/magnesium supplement. Hydroponics stores carry them but be careful, those stores sometimes have very high prices. If you can get a small bottle of cal/mag for around $10 it will last a long time. You can use half the recommended strength added to your fertilizer mixture each time you fertilize. Good luck.