Location: Tampa Bay - Pasco county - just north of Clearwater
Age: 62
Posts: 43
Cool pics Jackie. I love the lathhouse and the room with the blooms. Which part of Orlando? I'm in New Port Richey, close to US19 and the Gulf so I am a little warmer for the area. I grow mine under shadecloth in outdoor houses, no winter cover and they do fine! Greg....sweltering, wet and moist lately....making life soooo much easier on the garden!
Stockholm, Sweden is where I live along with my 9 Phalaenopsis, 1 Cattleya, 1 Miltonia, 1 Paphiopedilum and lots of other potted plants. Er...my boyfriend and 2 cats live here as well, almost forgot
A constant fight between me and the cats about the reason I grow things...they tell me I do it for them only, but I tend to disagree in most cases. Especially when they extatically jumping drag baby plants all over the house.