Originally Posted by Cindy K
Thanks for your reply Lorraine and Happy Birthday!! I have decided to attach my Banana Orchid to driftwood. I have never done this before and was wondering if I should put some moss around the roots or not. I assume that I should use a bit of wire to attach it as well. Does this sound okay to you? Thanks in advance for any responses!
Hi CindyK,
If you have some type of wire that would secure it for sure just twist it in the back (carefull not too tight). I have 16 gage brass wire I use for different projects and it is great for mounting these guys. It is a softer and more pliable wire. Won't rust either. I would put small amount of moss behind the chid before wiring it on, then after mix some around the roots and wrap with fishing line. Depending on how long the roots are you can get them worked around the wood a little and secure as you are wrapping. I loop one end of the line and thread it through and then wrap. Tie it off back where you started and add another line if needed. This allows the moss to dry out and you can tell when it needs to get watered again. Mine get it every other day and when really hot sometimes 2x day. You'll just have to wait and check them till you get an idea of your conditions.

Let me know how it goes. and if you need more info.
Make sure that the driftwood is saltfree if you picked it up at a beach. You'll have to soak it a couple times to release the salts.