Hi all,
First, I thought the growth in photo 1 was a basal keiki, but now I'm thinking maybe spike??? bc There aren't any leaves emerging.
I thought keiki bc it looked exactly like the growth below it, which I thought was a keiki, but it (the first growth) has done NOTHING since I first got it.
So maybe that is a spike that stopped growing?
Anyway, See pix.
Same plant started budding off the end of the old spike (got this plant in July or August?)
The new part is like red, but look, the first bloom is opening!!
Also, some other pix of my spikes and buds. Can't wait!!!!!!! I thought I'd have a bunch of NOTHING until next fall. I <3 Orchids. It has been almost one year since I got my first one.
That's the one with the purple ribbon. I think I made the buds come out at odd angles bc of moving it in relation to it's light source. Oops. But it will be beautiful to me anyway. So excited!