Wow. A lot of really great suggestions. The epicattlyea hasn't bloomed for me yet, but it's little growth bud that was present when I bought it in august is now nearly full grown and rooting, so I would say that it loves being right up against my south east window. The neofinetia is beautiful by the way.
The bulbos scare me a bit...maybe I should check out that forum. My significant other would not be happy if I bought an orchid that smelled.
I also like the phrag idea because orange is a color I'm lacking in and some of the besseae hybrids look to be quite vivid.
Yet the deep purple/ black paphs would also go well.
---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------
Does anyone have a favorite mini Catt? I have heard of them, but haven't read up on them. Anyone have a suggestion for their favorite? Do they have some that still have the huge flowers.
For the people who have phrags and paphs. Do you treat them the same in terms of watering or do the phrags get it more often? Normally I water my Paph slightly more frequently than the other orchids because from what I can tell they like that better.
And thanks for all of the suggestions. I know that for all my work I won't get reblooms for about a year because all of my orchids appear to be leaning toward a spring blooming regime. I'm hoping that the big unknowns: dendrobium, oncidiums, Catt, and epicattleya will flower in my conditions. Unfortunately, because they all were struggling when I purchased them, I'm also trying to make up lost ground...but I'll just have to wait.
I forgot to ask if anyone from the north knows of orchids that reliably bloom every fall/late summer.
Last edited by Troythediver; 11-03-2013 at 04:41 PM..