While we're on the subject of pet related mistakes:
I recently purchased this great little plant stand for my african violets and a couple of the chids to sit on in my dining room, because my office window was getting cluttered and the light in the dining room in front of the doors is similar. I put my NOID phal on it that has this long cascade of 7 blooms on it on the bottom shelf and then I turned it so that the blooms stayed inside the plant stand.
An hour later, my two troublemakers (75 ish pound Labs) decided that it was time to zoom around the dining room in circles, together... and while Jet can avoid running into things, Lexi has no spatial awareness, whatsoever.
I BARELY made it into the dining room before she knocked over the brand new plant stand. However, she body slammed me and knocked me down instead. Thankfully, I didn't hit my head on anything and nothing was broken.
The moral of the story? Windowsills are safer.