Yep that way lot less mess as well! Most of mine for now are in my little greenhouse. Others are in the back room. I have been battling with my brassovalia and keeping it upright and its base was to wide to stick in a net pot. Ergo the use of a glazed pot w a few extra holes for air flow with it sitting in a little plastic pot in the glazed pot. Now it cant flip! Finally some success! With this plant!!
Masonary bits work ok but you have to keep them wet and it is a very slow process. But with either a masonary or diamond tip the secret is just like drilling metal. Start small. 5/8ths is a big damn drill. Try 1/8th first. Then go to 5/8ths. Or 3/16ths then larger. If you make a mud coolant it works better too. I've drilled tons of high fired bonsai pots this way.