Need Urgent Advice! New Orchids
Hello Everyone,
Safeway had a 3 day sale on orchids and they had something very unique and new to their usual selection, So, of course, those jumped into my shopping basket.
As always, no tags and it reads - intergeneric.
My guess is that one comes from oncidium parents (the yellow one), and another one - Miltoniopsis (pansy shape, orangy flowers)?
So far, I've been only growing and successfully reblooming Phals. These are a complete new territory to me.
The yellow one with plump bulbs is very dry. The Pansy looking is somewhat wet.
What would you recommend I should do next and how to grow these guys? I know I always repot Phals right away and cut the spike off.
I don't want to start on the wrong foot, so would really appreciate your expert advice.
Last edited by Wild Orchid; 10-26-2013 at 04:26 PM..