hello guys
So i have the problem. I have a very nice Noid Cattleya and this year, 3 new pseudobulbs have grown, and all of them have sheaths. the one has started to develop buds and they have been growing nicely inside the sheath. Then i decided to cut off the sheath as i read it can sometimes cause mold to appear and damage the buds. And after that everything went downhill. After few days the first bud turned yellow , about a week later another one, and now i think the last one is turning yellow too. I am just so sad and dissapointed. I've been waiting for that flowers whole year

What could be wrong? I've been reading on the forum but i cant really find the right answer. temperature drop? I have it on a east facing window. we have a central heating in the apartment. could this be the reason? I personely dont think its hot or cold inside. Its just the right temperature. but i have the radiator underneath the shelf where my Orchids are.
I have no rpobelm with wattering and fertiliser. its all on the regular basis. though its true i didnt feed with a fertiliser for about two weeks. i decided to give it a little rest.
Could the reason for buds dropping be the fact that i cut off the sheath?
Thanks in advance for the answer. sorry for beeing so long.