Hi Kim
Ross answered your questions about caring for your Phalaenopsis - the kind that you see being sold all over the place

...here's a little info on what to do when the flowers drop off (unfortunately, they don't last forever

Since you say yours has turned brown, it's time to cut it down. Cut it all the way down, it's not going to make a comeback.
When you get blooms again (I know you can do it

) and they fall off, you'll then have two choices. Some folks leave the "stem" because there's a chance of it reblooming from the same stem (not once it's turned brown) although that second round of blooms are usually less fantastic than the first ones were. Others, like myself, cut it away without waiting for a second round of blooms. My feeling is that it's better for the plant to put it's energy into growing and staying healthy than to struggle for a less than spectacular bloom. There are no rules about this one...it's all up to you
Here's a culture sheet for Phalaenopsis: