Many apologies if this has already been posted somewhere in this vast forum, but I need a little help with my P. Chain Xen Queen.
This is the 3rd new baby leaf that has been growing from my plant (Bought it back in April 2013), and I really love this plant, because it's the 1st phal that I've bought that I haven't killed (yet) via over watering or whatever other horrible beginner mistakes I have committed to poor previous phals I've bought in the past. (Yay! Progress! I think...)
Since buying, I have repotted it from the moss to a bark mixture after it finished flowering (Repotted 5/25/2013'), and (I live in California) I think I found a good place on my desk next to a West facing window where a crack of window lets a little fresh outside air in. Since I've repotted my plant, it has rewarded me already with two beautiful new leaves, two new air roots, and I've seen lots of new roots growing on the bottom around the plant as well (through the plastic container) every time I take it out of the terra cotta pot to water. I water via placing my plant in the sink, and letting the water run till it fills up the pot naturally (through sinkhole at bottom) to the top, and let all the water drain out. I mix it (every other watering) with a Gubler Pro-Blend 19-8-16 Orchid Food (when I remember, I try!), and I try to water it once a week (or when I feel that the bark looks/feels dry).
I was thrilled to see a 3rd leaf come out, but I've noticed that as of late, this new leaf seems to be growing a lot of small brown spots near the base where it's growing out from, and the edges of the outer most tip seems to be... I'm not sure, shriveled/blackened/thinned out... just basically, it looks like quite a sickly leaf. I've attached a photo, but I realize it looks bad... I'm going to try to get a better quality photo up when the daylight comes back around.
Just wanted to see what I can do to rescue this phal, I know it's a beginner's orchid, and seeing how this is the 1st one that I've actually had that I haven't killed yet... I'd love to take care of it well enough for it to reward me with blooms again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!