1.5 years ago I purchased 4 mini phals for a dollar each. They were finished flowering and all the leaves were wrinkled. For the sake of experiment I kept them as was (tight spaghnum) and tried to save them. I didn't see any improvement after about a month so I moved 2 into loose sphagnum and 2 into bark. The bark ones are the only 2 that are still alive. I think that I never found the appropriate balance of moisture with the spaghnum which stayed wet too long.
With the bark group, I soaked once every two weeks and misted the air roots that emerged near the 2 month mark every couple of days.
After a year of growing all new roots I repotted and moved closer to the window.
During their time in low light (a year) they slowly grew two thin leaves. The wrinkled ones never rebounded and have since yellowed and fallen off. Finally, the one is now growing a robust leaf and both are just starting the growing of their second set of aerial roots. I think that the healthier one may actually bloom this spring.
I should also note that yours look to be far healthier than what I was dealing with.