Like some of you, I've gotten in the habit of checking every Lowe's in town... because they put the flowered-but-never-sold orchids on a half-off rack.
So far, I've gotten two $5.50 Phals to bloom a second time- more satisfying for sure than buying a blooming one. Although that isn't a bad feeling either- like last week when I got the only Dendrobium "Blue Violetta x Dr. Poyck." Bluish-black flowers... anyways.
Had been eyeing a magnificent $50 Vanda- huge- with beautiful blooms... but $50 is a lot of money on the west side of town.
Caught the department manager and offered half-price for it, and she sold it on the spot, since they're making room to push Poinsettias.
It's an 18" V. Wirat Blue x V. Adisak in a 10" basket- very well established.
Trying beating up your local big-box stores- with a focus on the Christmas merch, you might give a better home to some orchid gems.