One of my Phals dropped the crown the other day. Will it grow back? Here is a pict. I also took some of some of my others and they seem to be trying to get out of the pot. Any suggestions.
The spots on o2 are orchid honey
Once the crown is lost, it is possible to get a basal Keiki if the roots are in good shape. It will take patience and several years before the keiki is of sufficient size to bloom, however. So unless you're attached to the plant or want to give the keiki a try 9assuming one appears), I'd toss it.
Thank you
It was one of the first Phals I got and a good learning one. Why do they loose the crown? Was it something I did? I can toss it and make room for another.
IT is truly a combination of many different possibilities, it could have been rot, infection, infestation of bugs munching down unnoticed, or the plant may have just had a defect in genetic material. You can't always be sure.
Oh I do think it is a keiki, I go for you try and save it even though it will take several years. I have one I got water in the crown several years ago and it put up a keiki and now it is finally looking good. When it blooms I am going to do a happy dance. I also have another one that just had it happen and I am hoping for a keiki. I wish that was my plant doing that. Good luck.
Definitely keep it if it is shoving off 2 keikis!! Especially since you have so many such happy roots. That looks like they can keep the plants VERY happy. I always have all the other bad luck healthy top plant with not many roots to support it......