How to get my phals to rebloom?
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Old 09-29-2013, 03:38 PM
RandomGemini RandomGemini is offline
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How to get my phals to rebloom? Female

I think there could be 12 reasons for droopy leaves. I have a phal that sulked after I repotted it. The bottom leaves got a bit droopy. After a couple of days, it was fine. I've had a phal with droopy leaves because of rot (overwatering most likely) and another one with droopy leaves because I wasn't watering enough.

And I've only been keeping orchids since what, June? LOL!

I think that as long as you're not seeing any wrinkling or any color change, you don't need to worry too much. If the leaves start to yellow, then I would become concerned, but they have a lovely healthy color. There's new root growth on several of the mounted phals and new leaf growth too. I'm not seeing a lot here to worry about.
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Old 09-29-2013, 06:08 PM
larrylwill larrylwill is offline
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How to get my phals to rebloom?

I started with some Phals from HD, They never re-bloomed until I built a garden room off the bedroom, the next spring, they all bloomed 8 of them. The difference was the day/night temp difference was 10 degrees.

Another note. I have several Oncs and none of them ever bloomed. 2 months ago I put florescent lights above them and in the last month a sherry baby bloomed and now I have a spike on an Odium Twinkle. They were not getting enough light.
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Old 09-30-2013, 03:04 AM
Priya_H Priya_H is offline

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How to get my phals to rebloom? Female

They really started growing vigorously after I relocated them on the windowsill around June. I think I should leave them there day & night for a while and see what happens. The thing with my apartment is it's very well insulated. Right now the temp is 26C/80F and it's 2:00 am. During the day it hovered around 27C. I hardly turn on the heat during winter! But it's colder on the windowsill with window open, I'm also about 1km from Lake I think it will be nice for them. How much cold can they safely stand?
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Old 09-30-2013, 05:55 AM
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Most literature puts 13-15°C as the lower limit for them.

The idea is that they need a bit of stress to take them out of growth mode and put them into flowering mode.
William Green |
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Old 09-30-2013, 10:18 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Give them time. Many bloom annually.
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Old 10-01-2013, 06:29 PM
Priya_H Priya_H is offline

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How to get my phals to rebloom? Female

The large phal looks like it's drying up. The roots are fine, the leaves (except for the new one at the top) look like they are kinda dehydrated. They shouldn't be...I water them regularly and mist heavily everyday. My home is kinda dry so I mist and water all my orchids well!

If I put them on the windowsill, it's hot, if I don't put them there, they sit under 20 potlights but still don't get enough light. What a dilemma! They were fine all summer!
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Old 10-02-2013, 12:56 AM
Island Girl Island Girl is offline
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How to get my phals to rebloom? Female

Originally Posted by CambriaWhat View Post
Most literature puts 13-15°C as the lower limit for them.

The idea is that they need a bit of stress to take them out of growth mode and put them into flowering mode.
I wouldn't let them get lower than 60-65°F ...60°F (15.5°C) being the lowest... Below that, and you risk (fungal) root rot, especially if they are damp/moist/wet. So, I'd say 16-18°C would be the lowest, to be safe. (if you do allow them to go lower than that, just make sure they are completely dry! And never go below 50°F (10°C), IMHO)

To get them to bloom, you just need temps that are 10°F (don't remember what this value is in Celsius, sorry *but, it's definitely not a 10°Celsius difference!) lower than what they have been experiencing, for about 2-3 weeks... ***but, I would recommend to let them grow for a year, let them acclimate to your environment, before forcing them to bloom. Alot of Phal hybrids only flower once a year. & They could just be too stressed from being forced to flower in the first place (by the nurseries that grew, and sold them to the store you bought them from), and need to rest before spiking/flowering again. They will flower when they are good and ready (given they have the proper conditions to actually flower)... and not a moment sooner! Lol, just the way they work they certainly give us lessons in patience!

If they just finished blooming, then it's very likely that they won't bloom for another year, at least.... Have patience. They will flower when they are ready. They may not have enough energy to bloom again so soon after the last time (especially after being placed in many different conditions... Your home (not to mention, being moved around to different places in your home), the store, the nursery), and if you were to force them to flower again, it may take all the Phal's energy reserves to do it... It would then be quite hard for it to recover after that... (Sometimes, they even come in that fragile of a condition when we buy them from the big box stores.... & need a lot of TLC.)

Phals dont mind heat... At least not in my experience! All of mine, species & hybrids (with a few special exceptions (certain species), that I'm pretty sure don't apply here) love the heat of the summer, given they have enuf water, humidity, & good air movement, and everything else culture-wise is just right. (I'm talking an average of at least 95°F heat, & up). I'd suggest leaving them by the window, no dilemma there at all!

Also, just remember that you can't make up for a lack of adequate humidity by watering... There's no substitute for proper humidity... Sorry. It sucks, but it's true... And I understand how hard it can be to maintain humidity inside the home (even if the RH outside is high, doesn't always mean its high inside). Humidity trays don't really do much in the way of raising the RH % ...but if you live by/near a lake, leaving the windows open, might give them enough humidity in your case? But you would know better than I would, about that. I'd suggest a humidifier for the winter/fall cooler months... That will help counter-act the drying effect that winter heating has. (just place one beside your orchids... There's a lot of choices, big and small... I like the cool mist type.. Ultra sonic, I think is what they call it... Don't remember which brand I have, atm)

Sorry for the novel, and if I've explained something (or many things) that you already know, I apologize.

And, if you just have to have flowers right now..... Go get another Phal thats in flower!!

...btw, could you possibly down-size your pics next time please? They are messing with my iPad screen Lol Thank you very very much!!
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Old 10-04-2013, 02:43 AM
Priya_H Priya_H is offline

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How to get my phals to rebloom? Female

Thanks everyone! Mine tend to love full sun! I've put them up on the windowsill and the leaves growing like crazy. Weird but what the heck! Whatever floats their boat! I only take them off to water and mist and when the sun gets too hot (it's Oct. now so it's not as hot as Summer, but still hot enough).

I just want them to be healthy, that's more important than flowers. I was wondering whether there's something up with them since the older leaves aren't looking so good all of a sudden and the small plants have been dormant for quite a while now. Now I think they are Winter bloomers
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leaves, mounted, night, spike, water, rebloom, phals

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