A while back in the mid summer I was in a rush, watering a few plants. I gave my orchids a refreshing spritz of water and as I moved my hand quickly over them, I misjudged the clearance over my oncidium. SNAP! I clean knocked a leaf with pseudobulb right off the plant.

I felt like such an idiot.

Fortunately for the plant, it had 3 other leaves in good order, so it wasn't going to die. But the leaf I'd knocked off was the tallest and... well, it made the plant sure look a bit smaller.
OK, I know it happens to the best of us. We make mistakes, right? Well, I didn't know what to do with the leaf, so I just tucked it in a little container of water and went about my day. The next day I took a look and the leaf was still green, no sign of shriveling or yellowing. So in the interim of trying to decide what I could do (I ruled out trying to graft it back onto the plant), I kept it watered.
Now over a month has gone by. And you know what? Another leaf is sprouting from the pseudobulb! I really didn't think that would happen. And another... the plant replaced the broken leaf! Another one shot out the side and rose up to the occasion. This wasn't what I was expecting.
SO here's the deal. Here's how the plant looks right now:
(I laid the broken leaf across just for scale purposes--it's the one at the bottom; the new leaf is the one at the top)
Here's the broken leaf as it is right now:
Clearly there isn't much root growth, and the brown coloration suggests that those roots are not particularly healthy. My question is, what can I do to keep this thing alive and nurture it as a separate plant? Is it very much involved? If so... then I guess it's probably not worth trying to keep it going. I'd thought that maybe some root hormone would help, but I've never used it and initial searches turned up rather expensive bottles for a lot of rooting work.
I'm open to suggestions.
