I've never seen this, but I'd say just watch it grow, and see what it turns into? I'd be interested to see update photos along the way, as it grows... If you don't mind?

It does look like buds tho. And like Rosie, I've also heard of kiekes flowering at a very young age/small size... But this? It's a little wierd
I have a Promenaea that grew a flower bud inside one of the new growths... It was wierd, not sure why.... I didn't use a lot of rooting hormones on it (no more than my other two - which are very normal) but eventually, the bud turned brown (
almost looked like it rotted), and it died, while leaving the entire growth intact (these guys r kinda sensitive in their new growths, so if the bud had rotted b/c of water, or whatever, the growth would've gone as well) the growth is still perfect, and healthy... Don't know what caused it... Oh well...