Mine get full sun close to all day but not completely all day if that makes sense at all. lol. Usually they get a break between 2-5 and then from 6-8 get some setting sun.
2-5 sounds like a major break.
Does it get light in the morning hours??
I think this plant needs a bit more than what you describe.
Mine get at least six hours of direct sun.
Well I received him wednesday and he has been getting partial to full sun. The last two days he has been getting cloudy/rainy/sunny weather haha. But so far has bright happy deep green leaves.
I live where winters are cold indoors so I have to mount, bare-root, all my brassavolas. They are part of the cattleya group and like the higher end of cattleya light and a fast-draining medium. I love the little stars...the night fragrance is fantastic. I have the Little Stars 'Yasuji Takaeki'.