Originally Posted by Bud
*in the daytime it can be in the 80's or 90's but it needs to go down to cooler temps at night....that is what I mean by letting them taste cooler temps....the plants must experience a drop of temperature at night then carry on in the day
Originally Posted by kindrag23
Okay well I know I wont be able to get it that warm, but I am setting up a orchid room with a humidifier and hanging shower curtains, they will get bright light, those that need it, because my nana's back room basically consists of a 12 by 18 ft sliding door/all glass partial tent windows. So hopefully I will be able to get it warmer than it would have been without. The house as a whole is well insulated and my hibiscus do well back there every year when I moved them up each year.
In regards to Bud's comment on the temp drop... Kindrag, if you can't get the temps up to 80°-90°F in the day, that's ok!
Phals (and maybe some other genera, that don't require a rest... I dunno?) it just needs to be a 10°-15°
difference btwn day and night temps... So, if your growing area peaks at say, 72°F (daytime), then you'll wanna drop it (at night) to 60°F (or 55°F, but I would
not go too much lower than that, w/ Phals). The temp drops should be maintained for around 2-3 weeks. It
may take less time for some, and a little more for others, but 3 wks should certainly do it, but a month wouldn't hurt either...
My conditions prob drop down like that for a month or so... But, it just depends on the outside temps... I have a sunroom, that has tons of windows, and has a "window" A/C-Heating unit, so this room is separate from the central heating/air in the rest of my house, which allows me to get that drop in temps for my 'chids, w/o me freezing to death in the 55°-60°F temps!
I try to keep my grow room at 75°-80°F thru the winter (warming up more and more as spring approaches), and drop to 57°-65°F at night (generally speaking, as it's rather hard to perfectly control temps! Lol)... ***But, I mostly grow Phals, although there are some others... So you might have to do a little differently than I do, b/c of all your different genera...
It's all about finding a happy medium, when u have a lot of different genera, and creating/finding microclimates in your grow-space... Which sometimes means that one year, you may not get blooms, but you just change it up a little, and hopefully get blooms the next yr!
... I actually use a space-heater instead of the "window" unit (that's inserted into/thru the wall, not a window), to heat my sunroom, so the more hot-growing orchids sit closer to that, while the more intermediate-temp growers are farther away from the heater, and sit closer to the windows, where it's a lot cooler.... Microclimates
Also, if you have some orchids that need a drop in temps that another one would freeze to death from, you can use a heating mat under the pot. That will raise the temp around the warm-growing orchid, and not raise the temps of the whole grow-room, messing with the temp drop requirements of others.... That kinda falls into the category of being one of those "microclimate" conditions
...I, too can't wait to see all the blooms you will get in the spring!