I'm sure you've heard it before...
I once had a NoID orchid that thrived on inattention and infrequent waterings. When I moved out of my home state, I had to give it away. Finally after several years, I bought another from a big box store. (Appears to be a Phael.) It was planted in a small clay pot with a single drain hole and in a west window that has sunlight filtering film on it. It did well, though it hasn't flowered in over a year. I went away for a month and my husband gave it water every Friday. When I came back the leaves were looking a little puny so I decided to repot. I found a great perforated pot, and used a commercial orchid bark mix. I soaked the bark, cleaned off the few bad roots and put it into the same window. It has declined every day. So tonight I decided to try something else. I bought a brick of moss. When I removed the plant from the bark I saw that almost all of the roots are rotted. I have about 4 healthy looking leaves left. I went ahead and seated it into the moss, but I am very worried about this plant. Can it be saved? How can I minimize the shock? Thanks for reading my long post.