Name pronunciation
We've all done it and heard it...the mispronunciation of orchid names. For the most part the pronunciation of the genus is not too difficult and can be looked up (Clan orchids). Where I have been corrected and made to feel like a complete ignoramus is when it comes to the pronunciation of the species/grex name.
From a bad encounter with an orchid name snob in my early learning stages, I am still afraid to say an unfamiliar species name out loud for fear of once again encountering the look of disgust and hearing the disappointment in another orchid lovers voice. I would like to think I'm not alone in this, especially if your just learning about orchids.
So the question I have is, does anyone have a trick to learning the correct pronunciation of a species/grex name they would like to share (besides going to your local meetings to hear them said)?
My trick is... When you see a ii at the end of a species/grex, like lowii, the ii is pronounced ee-eye.
Last edited by nikkik; 08-21-2013 at 03:22 PM..