Ok, I am pretty sure we all did it. My friends did it, my orchid sellers did it, gardener that takes care of some houses with hundreds of orchids told me he did it. BUT, it is always sad, and in some way upsetting for all of us to LOOSE one of our orchid babies, especially if it is due to our mistakes! I DID KILL 2 THIS YEAR, and one is handing by a thread right now. Oncidium that was going down for quite some time just gave up in March, and my newly purchased gorgeous big Cattleya did not stand our Florida 3 week rain stream as well:-((( Both of these were MY FAULT, did not catch over watering on time

I have unfortunately another baby pretty bad sick now, my Dendrobium Heterocarpum, also purchased not even a month ago, and yet over watered again! This one is still fighting though, so I am hopeful and thinking positive thoughts! OK, TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER, I know there are members here with a few orchids, as well as members with a few hundreds (or maybe even thousands???) - Please, can you share, on average, HOW MANY ORCHIDS did you kill, in your lifetime, in a year, or recently? Just though this will make US, still beginners in the process of learning, feel just a little bit better, to know that IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE! Thanks for sharing.