I got a dendrobium 'Black Mickey Mouse' some months ago. For a while now it's been working on a spike and the buds have turned darker and darker. When I've been searching for pictures of Mickey Mouse I only find the Disney version. The nursery where I bought the plant no longer has it on stock and has removed the pictures, I think. Or my googling sucks.
Either way, I've been keeping an eye on the buds and I wasn't surprised when they they turn dark. I'm a sucker for purple/lilac dendrobiums and it's so me to go for dark dens so it was all very expected. I couldn't recall the picture that I based my purchase on, but I had this idea that it was an antelope-den of some kind.
Eventually, just before the first buds opened up, I e-mailed the nursery and got the parentage of my plant. It looks like this:
One of the parents is a hybrid between dendrobium
canaliculatum and dendrobium
This hybrid is called dendrobium 'Rachelle Simpson' and looks like this:
Now, if you team Rachelle here up again with the
canaliculatum, I would think that the outcome would be a twisted antelope-kind of dendrobium perhaps with quite a bit of yellow and maybe some pink/purple coloring. But in fact you get this:
Say hi to Dendrobium 'Black Mickey Mouse'. A dark burgundy, bluish purple little guy with 'straight hair' and with just a tiny bit of yellow on the lip and edges. Honestly, Mickey has very little in common with any of his parents.
Now, if I was
canaliculatum I think I'd ask Rachelle if she's got something she wants to tell me. But since I'm not, I'm just going to be fascinated by the outcome and enjoy the flowers.