Slept like a baby Lornie, after I did buy this one, and now working since the morning but looking forward to take my diary and write down all the care tips for all 3 new babies ordered over the weekend:-)
Well I must have the only Den nobile that breaks every rule. It has consistantly been in bloom 3x/year for the 2 yrs that I've had it. It is fragrant and is in bloom on 5 spikes right now. I give it I believe everything that it needs. It has not lost any leaves and doesn't apparently need a cool period to flower. It is in full sun morning and late afternoon, fert. 20-20-20 urea free. You can look in my album to see it and it is a named den. It is the easiest orchid I have owned.
I have a Yamamoto nobile dendrobium (google the site) which is superb, rarely loses leaves and reliably blooms also. I have trouble keeping the ones at Lowe's happy for a very long time, and they usually die on me in a couple years.
For anyone who wants to get excited TOMMY I would simply Google these names that REALLY stand out for me. These are stunning images.
Go Google:
They are sooooo unusual. Not that keen on the BEE ORCHID although it is spectacular, I think I would be very jumpy if I had a crop of them blowing in the wind anywhere near me. (Especially in the corner of my front room! Yikes!).
The Godfather introduced me to all of these and although I would never presume to try to own or rear any of these in England's wonderful climate, I do delight in the seduction of them and showing them off via the Interweb!! I love seeing someone's face when I watch them google these.
x x x
"Monkey Orchids" are fun. I love their cute little faces.