Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes?
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Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes?
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Old 07-26-2013, 01:54 AM
RikkiSowtz RikkiSowtz is offline
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Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes?
Question Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes?

I've just bought myself an orchid (after asking for one for my birthday for around the last 15 years, I decided to bite the bullet and get one for myself),

It's a white moth orchid. I bought it at the supermarket, so figure it's kind of a "Orchid for Dummies" edition.

Which is great, because I'm a total Noob.

I'd like to grow it in the bathroom, but will have to move it into the lounge room occasionally as the bathroom has frosted windows and is on the shady side of the house, so it would only get very weak indirect sunlight & light from globes.

Is it able to be grown in a bathroom with an IXL-Tastic heated globes in the roof? They're only on every day from about 5-6.30pm when I have a bath.

If I'm in the bath and it's getting too hot in the room for me, I'll open the window & let the night breeze blow in; I'm figuring if the temperature is ok for me, it's ok for the orchid?

Or will this temperature fluctuation kill it?

We live in a cold climate, so the temperature in the bathroom will drop at night, it's usually fairly chilly overnight except in mid-Summer.

My other question:
How to keep it humid? (on the cheap?). I see the Phalaenopsis is the only type of orchid that needs regular watering as it doesn't have any bulb-type roots that store water.

I assume this means you still need to keep the roots dry between watering?

I had a look on eBay for orchid products; and came across orchids grown in tubes which are planted in Water Beads (or rather water bead gel)

I have some of these,

There's also a forum thread on this site which starts out saying that you can't plant using water beads; but then someone says they have great success with them;
"Phalaenopsis is the ONLY orchid that CAN be grown in water crystals it is the same thing a semi hydroponics. I have had one of my phals in these crystals for the last 2 years and it has been growing and flowering perfectly."
He shows pictures and everyone agrees it may work

I am too scared to re-pot it (does it look like it needs repotting? If so, does it need Bark or Sphagnum Moss?)

But I thought I could put some of these beads underneath it's inner pot, which may keep the moisture up to it? Or keep the area a bit humid? (I figure if the beads are drying out, the plant will be too),

If not, they may helpfully absorb excess moisture? Should I bother with this?

It looks like it's in pretty good condition, with mid-to dark green leaves with a hint of reddy-brown in the middle.

Any other tips appreciated,

Thank you
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Old 07-26-2013, 05:52 PM
bellini girl bellini girl is offline
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to OB. Nice starter orchid you got. First off, there's an excellent post here entitled "the phal abuse stops here" Have a read, it has so much information on growing phals. Secondly, lots of members here grow orchids under lights...some in basements even so I think the bathroom is no different. Certainly it will get lots of humidity
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Old 07-26-2013, 10:41 PM
RikkiSowtz RikkiSowtz is offline
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Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes?

Thanks! I've had a good look through the Phal sticky thread now,

Wish I'd done more research before buying; one of the roots protruding from the top of the plastic pot has a spot of furry green rot on it; how do I go about saving it?
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Old 07-27-2013, 07:06 PM
Island Girl Island Girl is offline
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Can I grow my Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchid in a bathroom with heated light globes? Female

Originally Posted by RikkiSowtz View Post
Thanks! I've had a good look through the Phal sticky thread now,

Wish I'd done more research before buying; one of the roots protruding from the top of the plastic pot has a spot of furry green rot on it; how do I go about saving it?
Can you take a picture of the spot you are referring to? It may not be rot, but we can't say w/o seeing it...

And... by the way! Great to have you join this wonderful forum! There are tons of knowledgable ppl on here, so ask any questions you might have!

And, I think whatever place you have that has the right light, is where it needs to stay... When it comes to re-blooming Phals, light is more important than humidity... But humidity is still pretty important (to the overall health of the orchid). Humidity trays can help increase humidity, but a humidifier would work better, also, grouping a lot of plants together helps raise the humidity in the area right around the plants (any plant will work, doesn't have to be orchids... Houseplants are fine, but orchids are better! heheheh they are addicting, so watch out! Lol )

EDIT: Btw, other orchids won't increase the humidity any more so than any other plant, I was yanking your chain a little Any (leafy, not cacti) plant will do!
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bathroom, heat, noob, phalaenopsis, water beads

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