Hi everyone-
I need some advice. Can I use 5% Sevin Dust on my orchids? I read here where a member said he used it. I bought C Loog T with 8 buds about to open. Went out to the greenhouse this morning and all 8 were eaten! They had a neat round hole sideways in each bud. Thanks for any advice anyone has.
I don't like using the dust. It goes everywhere - into the air as well as onto the plants. Using liquid Sevin, appropriately diluted, in a spray bottle gives you much better control of where the Sevin goes.
sounds like slug damage to me...you need to get some slug bait and put it around....sorry you lost your buds, that's so demoralizing after getting them growing....good luck next blooming!
Thanks so much to both of you. I'll try the liquid Sevin and get slug bait too! It truly is frustrating to lose buds but I will look forward to more! Thanks again!