I have said it before my family kills plants here's proof.
My sister has these plants 2 weeks heres what happened
The pictures are not the greatest because my sister would kill me if she saw me doing this. lol. but one plant is almost dead and fighting to survive......
The leaves are even showing burn....and the blinds are closed I am not quite sure how she pulls this off...
Last edited by kindrag23; 09-14-2013 at 07:24 PM..
Is she by any case using at full strength fertilizer granules that that are meant to be diluted? That and hot water on the leaves are two ways I know a "quick death" can occur. Well those and cooking them in the car on the way home from purchase.
Just water!!! She is over watering them. They look like they are dry but down in the center under the plant it is way too wet. She is just watering too much. Over and under watering look the same. The soil(?) they come in is horrible for the home environment. In the growing sheds where most of these come from, the humidity is high, very strong air circulation, and not much watering. Where I live is called the flower capital of the world. Greenhouses are all over the place. Very large commercial growers. These are the normal conditions. We take them home all bright and cheery and what's the first thing we do? Yeah! We water them!!
No they were bone dry yesterday and i had a already re potted them. Into better potting soil. just your basic miracle gro...she also has central heat and air....so great air flow. ..
Ya I feel you... I watched my sister kill two UFO phals after I gave her perfectly good advice on how to grow them. She just didn't care to try I think.
Even with AC once they are watered the soil underneath the plant stays too wet for a long time. You can dig your finger down into the soil and you think it is dry. But down underneath the rootball it is still wet and stale. Some houseplants can live like that but some just die. Your repotting them was a great idea.