All Plants can use most of the colored spectrum, but not UV. UV is invisible. If its invisible how can it be light? Bec its still a photon particle. Then again UV light is used to kill bacteria and microbes. So while directly the plant cant use UV light it can have a direct effect on the plant. When exposed to high levels of UV lights plant increase production of UV blocking chemicals. Plants act differently but exposure to UV light decreases plant height and the size and area of leaves. The impact also affects how fresh leaves and stalks are produced resulting in smaller plants and lower photosynthetic capture area. Plants exposed to excessive UV radiation are not as green as other plants indicating a decrease in chlorophyll.
Depends on how much you want to cover that spot. If its a high light in morning you wont need much if it gets shaded in the afternoons, If it gets high light from the west in the afternoons you will need to block more of it. I'm assuming your greenhouse has an east and west location. I use 70% shaded aluminet cloth bec of full time sun morning until evening. I have to block more of it bec I get so much of it. Started out at 50% earlier in the year when I had tree cover.
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"
Last edited by RJSquirrel; 07-22-2013 at 11:19 PM..