Originally Posted by NYCorchidman
Does that only work for rotting? Maybe I could try that for oncidium leaf spotting?
It's more of a preventative (@ least it works better that way) I don't know about leaf spotting... I had an Onc. Twinkle last summer... it died. This summer, I have an Onc. Sharry Baby, and no leaf spots what-so-ever.... Even in all this heat & humidity... but, I don't know if that's normal for this particular hybrid, or if the Trich. is keeping the spotting at a minimum? It's worth a try tho, it certainly won't hurt your plants!

The package of RootShield, it really lasts a long time.... the 4 (?) oz bag I have, I have been using the highest dose, and spraying as often as I can (b/c I was hoping to get them ready for this summer heat & humidity!), and I still have a good amount left. It is certainly worth the price, and I think if you got more (like 8 oz, or more) you wouldn't use it fast enough.. Because I think u would want to use the pack within a year of purchase.
Sorry, SJF, I didn't mean to hijack this thread!

I do think this stuff can help you tho! (prob more as a preventative, to help the survivors) Back to topic!
SJF, I have some P. leuddemaniana kiekes that I could send you (for free, of course), if you are interested? PM me if you are

A pic of the flower is on OrchidWeb (that's where I got it awhile back, last year, maybe?)