A couple of weeks ago our AC broke. We were without it for a week because of the holiday. Our house had temperatures 90 degrees and above. It was very humid. I ran all of our ceiling fans, but it was awful!
A lot of my orchids looked the worse for wear. They now have assorted diseases. I lost three phals to crown rot (didn't water during the heat spell). Five intergenerics to some type of rot. Some various other var. and today discovered five catts. with some type of rot in the pseudobulb. The leaves fell off when I picked the pots up and the bulbs are mushy at the base. One of them is my one and only Iwan. It is one of my favorites. I don't know how many more will be lost.
I am so upset. This is a large portion of my orchids. Since replacement of the AC and furnace was so expensive I can't even go out and just replace them
I thought about purposely keeping my collection smaller now or phasing out growing, but love them too much.