I have seen lots of technical discussion here regarding Lumex, Footcandles, plants needing high or low light intensity and and so on...
I personally try to follow my feelings with the light and the (known) requirements of the plants, and try and error until my plants look happy... But...
is there a link to explain the footcandle needs of different plants, and or to translate the light intensity hints given by IOSPE into footcandle/lux?
For example, what exactly would "Full Shade", "Dappled shade or Partial Shade", "Bright Light or Full light", and "Full Sun" (IOSPE scale) mean in terms of Fc/Lux?
This would help many "newcomers" to understand the light intensity issues...
Depending on the feedback to this thread and the information given, this could probably be a good sticker
to help, a good link to measure light intensity without a luxometer:
Light Intensity Measurement
and one to convert Fc to Lux and viceversa (for those not wanting to multiply/divide by 10)

Foot-Candles to Lux Conversion Calculator