I left all my orchids in NJ and drove to Ohio, and then flew to Arizona. I just came home. The rabbits or squirrels had a feast on my leaves, although nothing seems beyond help. I'm really sad that all the spikes are chewed off of my Anacheilium Cochleatum though

They nibbled on the pbulbs too. My cattleya had fallen over, but it was in loose bark so it isn't worse for wear either. Some random phal leaves are eaten too. I don't think it's slugs b/c they aren't spotty chewed spots, they are straight across with teeth marks. *sigh* We're moving tomorrow and I will be nursing everything back to health. My husband watered everything on the weekend when he was home. I do have a 4" spike coming on my phal that I've owned the longest, and a large new leaf and bloom on a big rescue phal (brom/angel/phal planter). My other rescue phals don't look worse than when I left either!