Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Lorna! That's heartbreaking when that happens

There are some ailments that move VERY quickly through a plant, and can oftentimes move on to other plants that were closeby, and kill those off as well. Keep your eyes open! And, try to sanitize everything that was in the vicinity of this guy. I'm so sorry Lornie... I've had this happen to me too, so don't get too discouraged!!
I would've guessed crown rot, but I dunno.. Black rot, or Erwinia... Definitely has to do with being kept too wet... & can probably be spread thru water droplets. And no, I don't think it can be saved, IMHO (In My Humble Opinion). I would keep it
very far away from all your others, just in case it is something that could spread... Sorry to say, but the trash can would be the best place for this guy...

It will keep your other orchids safe that way... clean/sanitize the surfaces all around where this guy was... (& spray something on the nearby plants as a preventative measure, such as Phyton 27 - it's a copper based spray... **Just avoid your Dendrobiums (I remember you have at least one?) with
any kind of copper-based spray** ...not sure what you have available there... Maybe ask another UK-based member?) So you can kill off any bacteria/fungus that is lingering, waiting to strike another orchid.
This site is an excellent source for identifying orchid ailments, it shows pictures, and tells you how to prevent them, and how to treat them. If you can, I'd suggest bookmarking this link.... It is a good resource to have on hand:
There's a couple tables in the PDF link above, showing all the bactericides/fungicides, (as well as a chart of different pesticides & what they kill) & which to use for what disease... In the PDF file above, it's near impossible to read these charts, so I've included the direct links to the charts below: (sorry to say, I don't have a clue as to what is available over there in the UK, but maybe you can search for similar products with the chemical names (they're under the brand names, on the charts))
Fungicides/Bactericides Chart:
Pesticides Chart: (not that you need it in this case, but it doesn't hurt to add it, so that if at any point, you do need it, you will have it!
