1 Living! ~ 1 Dying!
One month on (almost) I have taken pics of the development of the Two Keikis.
I have re-posted the first four pictures for you. That will lay the ground work to simply save you from jumping back to previous pages in this thread and scrolling up and down to find them. Aren't I good to you? Hee heee.
The second four pics are showing today's improved growth. Also the general shape and progress of the plant itself.
Lastly the final pic is showing how the second Keiki is not doing so well. It is really turning black where the spike is dying. I don't think this one is as likely to root and survive as it's brother on the second dying spike.
Disappointingly as well, the dying Keiki is the one I applied the Keiki Clone Paste to, the other one is a natural growth. Hhhmmmmm
Thanks for taking the time to read and look.
x x x