Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:)
Yeah, I'd consider the wind from the ceiling fan a way for the thrips to travel.
Any tiny living organism has the possibility of hitching a ride on another larger organism over a short distance. Who knows...maybe the thrips can hitch a ride on your cats temporarily.
That makes me so sad. Now I have to worry about them going from room to room. Though the ceiling fan is usually on low and the bedroom is at least 50 feet from the ceiling fan, so maybe that isn't enough wind? We can't feel the wind from the ceiling fan anywhere but right next to the ceiling fan.
But the cats.......grrrr, the cats practically live in the windows...and are totally indiscriminate about stepping over my plants or squishing up against them to get to where they want to sit (because, you know, squirrels and birds can't be viewed from 6 inches to the left).