It can, (stress the mother) if the plant is in rough shape to begin with. A lot of Phals (or other genuses, like Dendrobiums...etc) will produce keikes b/c of some type of stressor, so that they will at least have some living offspring, in case they die. Other times, Phals (Dens too) will just produce kiekes, b/c it's hereditary (along w/ flowers), OR they'll produce them
instead of flowering (usually b/c of something missing in the culture given). Certain species (or hybrids w/ these sp. in their lineage) of Phals just like to kieke... for example: P. leuddemaniana. I have a leudde that has 10 large kiekes ATM.

(leuddes are also known to be somewhat difficult to flower, often they will produce kiekes instead, and there isn't any known (concrete) way of flowering them, u just have to figure it out.)
So, no, (to answer your question, MandiBruce) if the plant is in good health, it will not stress it out to have kiekes

But, if it's producing kiekes b/c the mother plant is dying, then you might wanna check the mother plant to see if it has enough life left in it for to give to the kieke, so the baby can finish making enough roots for it to survive on its own. Or, cut off the kieke, and try to save the mother, IF the mother could be saved.