Two things .....
First a sneak peek. This is a Recchara which is a multigeneric cross between brassovola, laelia, cattleya, and schomburkia. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I get lost and confused easily. This is BLC Mac Lambert x SMB Brysiana. Just popped open today after hanging around for three months as unopened buds. I couldn't wait to show it. Sorry. Proud papa and all that stuff. It blooms regularly every year. Had it a long time now. The other thing is a question for all those armchair horticulturists out there just waiting for a puzzle. I've had this LC Red Glen 'Eureka' for quite some time. Always a good grower. These two new growths popped out and were doing just fine. Then the one on the right started turning red. Well more red than normal. This LC has reddish leaves now and then. So I didn't pay much attention. Then one day I thought...hmmmm this is too red. I pulled at the newest leaf which had not opened yet and it came right out in my hand. Soggy and rotted at the base. Now mottled black/brownish spotting on the sheath is normal in my collection and for orchids generally. So the one on the left is growing great guns with no problems and the one on the right has rotted. At least the top most leaf. Any conclusions? Opinions? Guesses? Remember that I water S-P-A-R-I-N-G-L-Y. Very coarse mix. This is also in the driest, warmest, brightest spot in the greenhouse. Roots are fine. (Yes I take them out of the pot regularly to have a look. Doesn't hurt them at all unless it's Toshie Aoki which I don't even look at). So....give it some thought and hopefully we can teach some of the others here something. Thanks.