Older Phal seems to be dying please help
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Old 06-23-2013, 11:48 PM
SHag42 SHag42 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Female
Default Older Phal seems to be dying please help

I am new to this message board and have some questions about an older phal that I have. It was given to me as a birthday present 3 years ago. My first orchid ever, I didn’t know anything about orchids and still don’t know a lot. This orchid was in a clear pot with bark, then sat in a clay pot with no holes. It has done wonderful up until now. Since it has done so good I never bothered to lean much about them except that they don’t need to be overwatered. Most of the time it stays outside on my porch that gets about 3 ½ hours of east sun and a little setting west sun. I only bring it in when it is going to get really cold which is not too often in North Fl. This last winter was really mild I only had to bring my plants in 3 times for a few days then back out they went. I have a lot of tropical plants. The orchid is the only flowering one that I have. Sorry this is so long but I am trying to give you a good idea of the conditions. The orchid has flowered it seems like almost continuously. I have been meaning to repot it but did not want to do so while it was in bloom. It started putting out a new leaf and a new spike. The old spike still has 3 blooms and 2 new buds. About a 3 weeks ago I noticed the leaves were turning yellow so I decided it was time to repot blooming or not. I took it out of the pot and looked at the roots. About a third or more were rotten but the rest looked fine I cut the bad ones off and put it in a larger pot with fresh orchid mix. And set it back in its original spot that it has always sat. A few days later more leaves started to turn yellow and I got really worried. I researched and decided that it might be root rot due to the old potting medium. I went a local nursery and bought some fungicide they recommended, The guy there told me a lot of people were having trouble with root rot. I came home cut off all the bad leaves from the plant which looks pitiful and drenched the medium with the fungicide as per directions. It does seem to still be growing but the leaves still don’t look healthy. I have not fertilized it since before the treatment about 4 weeks now, didn’t know if I should. I also have started to think that it might be sunburn but this makes no sense seeing as I have not changed its location. My area is woody so the only bright sun it gets is morning and that is pretty direct. I have moved it behind one of my other plants to see if that would help. I am Hoping that someone may have some advice on this. I do not want to lose this plant I have become very attached to it. I do have other phals and they are not doing the best but they seem to have a different problem.
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Old 06-24-2013, 12:19 AM
shushu45 shushu45 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Male

From what I read it is still in bloom now?? Both the old and new spikes??

With the root loss it may be putting out energy it doesn't have.

I'm sorry I'm new to this as well. But that's what I popped into mind.
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Old 06-24-2013, 12:54 AM
SHag42 SHag42 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Female

Thank you for your response. The old spike is still in bloom the new one is not big enough to bloom yet. I did wonder about cutting off the old one but hated to because it has been such a fateful bloomer. I guess that maybe I should it doesn't need to be wasting energy right now. This thing has been so amazing. Any idea on if I should fertilize it now after putting on the fungicide. I am trying to learn more about orchids they are so beautiful. That is why I joined this forum. I look at others but this seems to be the best one out there.
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Old 06-24-2013, 01:09 AM
shushu45 shushu45 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Male

When is the next watering??
I would fertilize next watering and add a little super thrive to the fert/water.
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Old 06-24-2013, 02:02 AM
SHag42 SHag42 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Female
Default What is superthrive?

I have seen it posted but am not sure what it is. Is this something easy to find or do I need to go to a nursery to buy it? The next watering will be next Sunday. I tend to water most of my plants every weekend but always check them every day. My ferns tend to need to be water every couple of days. I will fertilize it then. I bought the better-gro orchid plus and will try it. I was using miracle grow but ran out. I want to buy more orchids but I am afraid to till I find out what is wrong with the ones I have. I hate to have a plant die it breaks my heart. Always feel like I should have done more. I get real attached to the little darlings and talk to them every day. Of course my dog and cat think I am crazy and look at me funny when I do this, maybe I am but the plants always seem like they respond to kind words of encouragement. Thank you again for the advise.
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Old 06-24-2013, 02:09 AM
shushu45 shushu45 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Male

Super Thrive you can get at Lowes for $11.
Your not crazy. I do the came thing too. My cat Loki thinks I'm crazy too. Lol
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Old 06-24-2013, 09:00 AM
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help

For me, phals seem to do well when their roots barely fit into the pot or when the medium is fast draining/drying and their roots are soaked with each watering. I saw you put it into a larger pot after removing dead roots, perhaps the middle/bottom of the pot is staying too wet?
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Old 06-24-2013, 07:15 PM
SHag42 SHag42 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Female

Thanks again I will buy some soon as I go back to lowes. I did look this up on line and it looks like it is a vitiman & growth hormone. Seems like some people love and some say it doesn't make any difference. But I figure it is worth a shot. What has been your experience with it? Does it make a big difference or a little? Some reviews talked like it made plants grow almost overnight or brought back almost dead plants. Not sure I believe that but seeing as it has a growth hormone and vits it should help to somewhat revive a plant.
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Old 06-24-2013, 07:27 PM
shushu45 shushu45 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Male

I've bin using it on my frist orchid that lost all its roots cuz I was new and I have new roots and now the poor thing has new growth coming. And it has a mm long root. So the super thrive must be doing something right.

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

I also give it to my roses and bleeding hearts and the have exploded with buds and all kinds of new growth.
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Old 06-24-2013, 07:27 PM
SHag42 SHag42 is offline
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Older Phal seems to be dying please help Female


Thank you for your reply. It did seem the pot was a little big for the orchid. Do you think I should go ahead and repot now since it has been through a lot of disruption? Also when do you know to water an orchid. The medium I used was the standard that you buy at Lowes. I did buy some other when I was at the nursery that seems a little better. It has bark, peat moss, charcoal, and lava rock. Do you have a brand that you prefer or do you mix your own? I want to give my orchids the best chance I can. I had been only watering my orchid once a week but only because it was routine. The potting mix always looks dry after a day and it seems to feel dry further down but I can't seem to tell. Also wanted to know I have some small phals and I think they are in to big a pots. Three inch I believe. Do they sell a smaller orchid pot or is it Ok to use a small plastic pot with lots of holes or a small clay pot? Sorry for all the questions just hoping to do this right.

Last edited by SHag42; 06-24-2013 at 07:29 PM.. Reason: wrote wrong kinda moss
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leaves, lot, orchid, plants, pot, dying, phal

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