Okay....I thought it would be interesting to share some of the mistakes we've made over the years. Who knows! Maybe our blunders can help others learn by our mistakes! What have you ever done that was REALLY a large mistake....that you regret today? I'll go first. I have many but some of the most heartbreaking are these:
1.) Waaaay back in the day; I used to (hiding my head) throw away the ID tags on my orchids. Which is why today, I have to search high and low for their names. Sigh.
2.) I once put my orchids outside under the beautiful breezy shade of a.....APPLE tree. That needs no explanation. I grew to hate that apple tree. I should have chopped him up and used him to smoke pork butts.
3.) I also left for vacation with my orchids nicely watered and sitting outside where they really like it. I was only going to be gone for a week. A freak cold front came in. Grrrrrrr. I lost more than half of them.
I have others. (Hanging my head in shame....)