Originally Posted by SJF
Where did you purchase them from? Could the brown specs be scale?
I don't think so.. I've looked up scales, and it doesn't seem to be the same. These are not embedded, they are just sitting on top..
Originally Posted by clusty
I don't worry a whole lot about gnats. They are more of a nuisance buzzing around.
Normally the larvae chew on rotting matter so they are no threat. I have read however some claims that larvae might eat the tips of very fine roots.
The best way to get rid of them is to find BTi (mosquito dunks). This is some bacterium that attacks just the fungus gnat larvae.
Ok. Well hopefully that's what it is. I've noticed they are now flying all around my kitchen, too. One of my phals roots were not drying out well, so I just took it out of the moss/bark/perlite mix and moved it into all bark and cut the dead roots away. Hopefully this will help. There were some bugs that came out of the moss when I pulled it out of the pot. *fingers crossed*
Thoughts on my little phals? Is it ok to repot them? Should I just hang tight and stop fussing?