help I can't stop !
Today I went to BB Barns to get clear orchid pots, then home depot to look for Better-Gro phalaenopsis Orchid Mix & the Leca which was a wasted trip Home Depot didn't have them, then to Lowes to look for the same. Home depot did have the Phalaenopsis mix.
While I got zippo at Home Depot (Their website had said they had the Items I needed)
At BB Barns I couldn't resist getting an 8.50 oncidium. first three pics are it! I need advice on repotting it does it need dividing? It's flowing out of it's pot! & the last pic is another Phalaenopsis I got from Lowes Clearance rack.. $4.00- the roots were in simi good shape, dry as a bone though.
oh and the nice sales lady at BB Barns gave me some packing peanuts!