Originally Posted by Bud
They should not sell these plants in its current state. It has mechanical damage from some rodent that took some bites on it causing fungi infestation on the bulbs and leaves.... what you thought was scales is actually mites....
you are lucky they took it back
Yikes!! I am glad! How..err...for lack of better wording, contagious are they? When I took it back she let me exchange it for another - I washed my hands but when I took it back to the store, I inspected a new one after taking the old one out of the bag and now I'm terrified that I had ick poison fingers..O______O; I have neem oil, should I spray it just in case? Obviously I'll keep it isolated from all of my other plants...how long would something like that take to show up? How long should this plant be in isolation?
The plants themselves were sort of grouped together but each one was in its own plastic bag, so I'm not sure how transference would work? I have only one other cattleya that I got there probably two weeks ago and it's happy, healthy and just peachy sitting all by its onesie in the window. Should I watch that too since it came from that store?
Now I'm totally paranoid T_T