OK I was at the Parksie Orchid Nursery for their mini orchid seminar and i had a blast. I met some wonderful orchid addicts so i was able to fit right in.
While I was going through all their amazing greenhouses i picked up COCHLEANTHES AMAZING and the fragrance hit me right in the face

and could not put it back down. Anyway I had it for about 5 days now and I'm starting to notice some black spots appearing on the leaves. I did some reading and this plant requires a lot of humidity and my current levels are at 50% - 60%.
How can I increase humidity?? How much humidity does this plant need? I have a humidifier but since the heat is on in the apartments i am unable to raise the humidity level past 60%. I am thinking of getting a much lager humidifier just for this plant to make it happy. I do not want to kill it.

What should i do???