So the next day, I went to check the rotting spot and found it had extended to the elbow (if you can call it that) of the top leaf so I decided to take a stab and gently incise the rot.
After cleaning it, this is what was left:
I couldn't find anything really small to really get in there and scrape out the rest, but I got most of it, and I also had to cut a small piece off the base of the leaf on the right. After I finished, I applied some peroxide and let her sit next to a fan for a good 10 minutes to make sure she was completely dry and then I impacted the wound with cinammon.
So far, so good. I checked today and the rot has not spread anymore. I have been extra careful when watering her to not get water anywhere near the leaves...lesson learned!
This morning, I noticed 2 or 3 buds looked a little droopy, which I guess she will drop due to what she's been through.
I will just wait and see, but it looks like all is well so far. Her leaves are still perky and the rest of the blooms are fine.
Thanks so much for the advice!