I'm going to convert the Farenheit temperatures to Celsius so that there's no confusion.
40 F = 4.4 C
100 F = 37.8 C
Vanda coerulea has been claimed to be able to handle temperatures down to freezing, but the lowest it gets where I live in Los Angeles County is about 36 F (2.2 C). My Vanda coerulea was able to live through even 36 F (2.2 C). It didn't look as good as when the temperatures were a little higher, but it was still alive.
I've resorted to putting small vandaceous orchids and other orchids in small baskets which I put in my large vanda baskets. They love growing there, but when they get big, I'll need to decide where to put them. I guess I'll need more lights.
A lady at our local orchid nursery told me her dog took her vanda outside, chewed on it for a bit and when she discovered it was gone, the dog was shaking it.