Hi all!
I am grateful to have found this board. In the past, I tried caring for a beautiful orchid in a large clay pot. It was a gift for my boss. She let me have it when the flowers fell off and I was thrilled to take it home and care for it. Long story short; way before mainstream Internet and I tried and tried to save it to no avail, and the poor thing had an early death much to my dismay
Recently, a coworker and I were in our local plant district shops to purchase office plants and I saw the cutest baby orchids...who can resist, right?

So here I am at it again, and this time, I want to make sure I help the plant in question rather than hurt it.
I would post a picture of her, but being a newbie seems that is a restricted priviledge for now. She looks like a purple and white striped Sogo Yukidian Phal orchid. She is only 7" tall and so very darling. She has 2 healthy stalks and some open and closed blooms. Right now, she is in a soft clear plastic (silicone like) container with sphag moss. The nice thing about the current container is I can see all the way around and under it and stick my finger inside to feel the moistness or lack of to gauge when to water. The roots also seem to kind of separate from the container when they are on the drier side. The condition of the roots looks good from what I can see. I bought some bark mix potting mix for the near future, but from recent research, it seems it is best to wait until she has finished blooming before I go on messing around with the roots.
So when I do decide to repot her...should I first mix in some of the sphag moss in the bark mix to acclimate her to the new substrate? These are so radically different. I have successfully repotted other plants in the past so I am not so squeamish about the process, but am just afraid as to what happens afterwards. I have never used a bark mix before so I do find it a bit intimidating.
I read through the "Phal abuse" thread which was very helpful, but I still feel a bit anxious. I just don't want to goof this up again so any input would be greatly appreciated.