Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs
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Old 05-28-2013, 11:51 PM
Dendy83 Dendy83 is offline
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Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs Female
Default Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs

Hello all!

I just did a nice thorough check/soak on all my orchids and am so so so sos os os so pleased that most of my orchids are doing very well!

Mini phal - Was disappointed because I saw no new growth, or deterioration for 3 months. Decided to take a peek at the roots, and also took the chance to repot him in his original plastic clear pot so I can check on him, and saw that he has had some nice root growth underneath the bark! Yippee!

NoID phal from home depot - The black tips on the ends of the roots have now exploded into nice green looking roots! Awesome!!

The Dendrobium/phal "genting glory" I posted a while ago about new growth has continued to grow and I just noticed some nubbins in the end of the new cane, ROOTS! I'll probably buy a small clear container for him and repot when his roots get to be 3" or so.

And I also picked up a paph, unfortunately the nursery is about 2 hours away so he encountered some sunburn on the drive back home, but he should be just fine. It's a paph supersuk x raisin pie. My research on this board indicates that there can be some color variations on this guy, so I'm excited to see what the bloom will look like.

Sadly, the phal hakalau ruler x blanca grande is not doing so well and I suspect a virus. There is a black dot on smack dab in the middle of the crown, which is not indicitive of crown rot as the lower portion still looks ok. It literally looks like someone took a black marker and made a black spot in the middle of the crown. His roots have slowly died back due to the root rot when I bought him and the leaves are now starting to fall off as he can't support them. I haven't decided if I'm going to fight for him as I don't want to risk infecting my other orchids. I'm frustrated because I bought him at a grower and should have checked the roots more. Ah well. Lesson learned.

Thanks again everyone for your suggestions, advice, and encouragement for a beginner. I sure never thought I could keep orchids in Colorado! Honestly orchid growing has helped my other houseplants as well, learning to "read" the plant rather than just watering because it "looks" dry.

Anyways, sorry for the long post but I am very excited and I showed my husband every new growth on my orchids, I'm sure he enjoyed that
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Old 05-29-2013, 12:23 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs

How did the move go?

Phals usually become very active when warm weather returns, which is now.
All my phals are pushing new leaves or roots, or both.

Dendrobium, as the new canes becomes a few inches tall, they usually start making their own roots. Often, quite many.
Is your dendrobium in need of repotting? old potting mix or not enough space for the new cane to grow? if not, I wouldn't repot.
also, if you would repot, I would do it now instead of waiting for the new roots to get any longer at all. The longer they are, the more likely you will damage or even cut them off while handling or potting into a new pot.

The paph you have basically has the same color, green, pink, white and some or many dots. Just varing amount of each color, but they will most likely be coloratum.
At times, there are some dark ones. I have two that are quite dark.

The shape of the flowers are quite variable though. Most I've seen are downright ugly or odd. some are nice. Many of them have pretty leaves.

The black spotting on your phal, are they really black black? because many phals develop wine colored spots on new leaves when exposed to strong light or sometimes even not so strong light.
They eventually go away.

Crown rot does not start with spots. The crown looks wet and mushy. Usually when you find out you have one, it is well underway and too late to do anything about it but toss the plant.

I'm glad your plants are all doing well for you.
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Old 05-29-2013, 01:35 AM
Dendy83 Dendy83 is offline
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Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs Female

I didn't move but I think another one of the newish members did move, I can't remember the name though. Thankfully all mine have adjusted to the nice SE window.

Dendro - I had wanted to take a look at his roots, but he technically doesn't need a repot. He's in one of those green planters that he came in, but he's nice and snuggled in. Here's an update on the growth:
[IMG] IMG_20130528_221337 by Blehri, on Flickr[/IMG]

The hakalau has been a problem ever since I got him. I haven't unpotted him since I first got him, but here's how he looks now. He does look dry but the media in the middle is still wet.
[IMG] IMG_20130528_221006 by Blehri, on Flickr[/IMG]

That dot is what I'm talking about...there aren't any spots on the leaves, just that one on the crown. The two nubs that look like roots have been that exact same size since I got him, no change. What do you think? Virus? Mechanical damage?

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

Also the new leaf has been the same size since I got him. No change on the new leaf.
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:31 PM
Dendy83 Dendy83 is offline
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Update on Phals, dens, and Paphs Female


Thanks orchidman for suggesting I repot my dendy sooner rather than later. The new growth had shot out some new roots that I couldn't see.
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