last time i was watering my orchids, I wondered how to keep track of which type of orchid I owned and how many of them.
I happen to have some basic programming skills, so I thought, ''why not make an application that can organize my orchid collection?'' This program should be able to give an overview of my orchid collection.

on the lower left you should be able to add or delete orchids from your collection database.
on the upper left you can load and save your data.
this is how i want the program to become:

on the right you will be able to see additional information of your orchids in the list on the left(when you click them). this information can be edited by the user. pictures of each orchid can be displayed when it is clicked.
what do you think of a program like this? can it be usefull? would you like to use it? what features would you like it to have?
thanks for the feedback,
- Bart