Only catch is, where the older technologies (t12 and t8) ran at low temperatures, these guys run at 95 degrees F. This means they are cooler than the standard sodium grow lights, but still hot. Does this help clear up the types?
By the way, don't even bother with t12 technology (being done away with) but go for either t8 or t5 depending on your comfort with these. Chances are the tubes you may use right now in your kitchen are t8 and very bright. They'll work just fine with growing orchids. It's just that t5 are even better with high light seeking orchids.[/QUOTE]
Ross Hope you can help: I am looking for a T8 4ft orchid fixture -- low profile which would fixture into the 4 ft rack. While all the rage may be about T5 technology, a 4ft tube uses 54 w/hr multiply that by 4 tubes, that comes out to 216w/hr, multiply that by hours per day, times 30-31 days... in short your electric bill will skyrocket!!
The "newest kid on the block" is T8 LED tubes, that use even less wattage --14 - 22W, that supposedly will be a drop in replacement for a standard T8 ballasted fixture, though I can't find grow lights for such a system. I DID however find a dedicated T8 LED system that does NOT use ballast, only the 4 Ft fixture is 50-53 inches long, and the grow tubes I gather are a true 48 inches long, but each tube is like $67 or thereabout but the fixture is a reasonable $88 or thereabout. For a standard 4 ft 4 tube system you are looking at well over $300 -- YIKES!!! ...but your electric bill won't be a killer each month as it would be if you were to use a 4 Ft 4 tube T5 system. The compromise is to use a 4 x 4 low profile T8 system but I can't find any. Can you help?!?